eProduction is a production control software specially developed for large-scale catering kitchens. The system calculates and visualizes the optimized provision of products in the UHC, Fry- and Bake-station.
On the monitors of the KVS, live orders and forecasted requirements from historical data are displayed for the preparation and keeping warm of the products. The clear visualization, including a color-coded system, shows employees how large the stock must be and how long the product components may be kept warm. This means that the exact quantities are always available in the respective UHC, fry and bake stations.
Forecasts based on historical data and live orders for an optimized production process.
Digitization in the commercial kitchen ensures a smooth production flow - without any paperwork at all.
Easy connection to existing back-office systems and configuration of multiple operational units.
If there are current fluctuations in visitor numbers, the workflow for production can be manually adjusted at any time.
Using a control keyboard, the SOTEC Bumpbar, guest numbers can be reduced or increased simply by pressing a button. Central production planning or even restaurant grouping can also be done in the central maintenance area of the software to make it easier to manage multiple operational units. With the configurator, the local management is able to adapt the sales forecast individually to the respective unit and to display them differently visualized in the workflow.
Reliable planning and forecasting of product mix from historical data.
Manual demand corrections are possible to react quickly to changing situations.
The result is a digitally optimized workflow that runs smoothly and does not require any paper at all.
Product waste is reduced to a minimum. Better for us and the planet.
Understandable, screen-guided work instructions ensure efficient interaction for the entire kitchen team.
Products are always fresh and menu changes (e.g. breakfast/day menu) succeed without friction losses.
eProduction can be connected to common cash register and back office systems (e.g. MyStore and NP6).
Central and individual configurations at store level are possible.
Combines 6 weeks of sales, product mix and projections
Supports all eProduction Server / Clients modes
Automatic data download when POS is opened
Standard interface for back office systems
Projections are adjustable
WYSIWYG preview
Special breakfast mode
Control screen baking / cooking
Manager adjusts current customer flow via Bumpbar
MSI and staging installation
New user interface for 16:9 monitors
Continuous development according to regional market requirements
Screenshot shows UHC design preview
Central eProduction maintenance tool
Creates deployable eProduction configuration packages for multiple stores
Support for multiple kitchens
Creates deployment packages for MSI installation and deployment
Targeted for head office configuration maintenance
Configuration import and export
Configuration dashboard & WYSIWYG preview
PasisAdapter configuration & SOTEC Bumpbar configuration
AD authentication
eProduction is in daily use worldwide in the McDonald’s ecosystem.
eProduction is part of the standard repertoire in many restaurants worldwide when it comes to digitizing their workflows.
You too can benefit from our customizable process software, developed specifically for your daily requirements.
Contact us today to order eProduction or to schedule a consultation.